Friday, December 14, 2012

Montana Peak Hike

Despite some pretty strong winds we had a glorious hiking day on Thursday (Montana Peak about 1.5 hour drive SW of here). This place is surrounded by mountains in every direction, and we continue to be amazed at the diversity of terrain, vegetation and rock formations. A couple weeks ago we hiked near Tombstone (I forget the name of the hike) and I kick myself for not having brought my camera, as the rock formations there were fascinating. It was like a natural sculpture park.

Jed is busy turning (literally) out pieces on the lathe at the wood shop. He cut down some trees in our yard, and is using material from the trunk. It's still pretty green, which presents some challenges, but he figures it's great for learning technique and honing his skills. I've taken on some new duties in the clay studio, as I've volunteered to do test samples for the glaze committee, with the goal of adding some new glazes, retire old ones and find new ways of getting great results with what we have.  It's become quite an addiction for me really, and I was today I've become known as the "Glaze Queen". Quite an honor, I suppose- at least I'll take it that way.

I opted not to swim today, as it was quite chilly. Yesterday was the first time we have felt the need to turn on our furnace. This cold- even a bit rainy!-snap is expected to last a few days, then it should be back to the sunny days we came here for.

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